Lennar construction problems: Lennar’s Bob Harrower said with a straight face that this step was designed in this way. Here’s all the effort it took to get Lennar to admit it wasn’t. Lennar never made the repair.
During my one-year walkthrough with the WCI (now Lennar Homes) representative, Bob Harrower, I showed him this step. I figured there would be no denying that it was just – wrong.
I was wrong.
It took a lot of effort to get Lennar (formerly WCI Communities) to agree to a proper repair of this step located at 6111 Yeats Manor Dr. Lennar has since become nonresponsive to all the issues.
This will give you just an idea of the level of effort it has taken every time a new issue is found and how much Lennar works to avoid home warranty claims. They (more specifically Bob Harrower) have an explanation for everything. Even a construction problem as visible as a wonky step. How many of you would deliberately design a step like that?
Remember – this was at my one-year inspection after closing in 2013. It’s been the longest years of my life.
Here’s the summary of all of the construction issues I keep in a spreadsheet.
Note: As of the date of this publication, all the Lennar executives went silent and none of the construction repairs were ever made, including the promised replacements of two, improperly installed and defective A/C units causing extensive mold exposure and health issues.
*Note: For simplicity, the Lennar and WCI Communities names here are used interchangeably as Lennar took over WCI in February of 2017.
Construction issue description
The step inside the garage door needs to be centered and in line with the door opening.
Original Lennar response by Joel Fedora
There is currently no code issue with the step that is installed as was verified back in July 2013. WCI will add approximately 1′ of concrete to the side of the step per the request, but the repair will be visually noticeable.
Lennar in-house legal response to garage step issue
WCI to schedule Advance Masonry Systems to complete the repair. Please note – repair will not match the existing color.
Amanda Buffinton legal response to Lennar about garage step
Unacceptable response. If the repair will not match, WCI should remove the existing step and construct a new step in its place. A photo of the area previously shared with WCI clearly shows that the step is out of line with the doorway and looks horrible. This was an obvious construction error and should be fixed.
Lennar outside legal response (prior to filing the 558)
No change in WCI Response. However, WCI shall involve Mr. Fannin in selection of certain materials where the quality may not match existing. Mr. Fannin should have the final authority over whether to proceed with a certain fix (assuming the fix does not match the existing quality).
Final WCI outside legal response to 558 complaint
WCI has previously offered a solution to address the concern and to perform a repair to this item but the Homeowner declined the repair.
Lennar executive’s response on 5/22/2017
Remove garage step and construct new concrete garage step that extends equally on sides of door.
All that to get resolution on the garage step you see above. You can image how exhausting the last 4.5 years have been. Lennar has still not fixed the garage step as of this publication date.