This Lennar Homes review comes from a homeowner in Houston, Texas and was originally posted on Facebook. Some minor formatting changes and I linked to relevant Lennar construction issues I’ve had to provide context.
“Are you looking for a company who does not care about workmanship and customer service is their last priority? Lennar is the right builder for you!
We recently found a roof leak due to incorrect installation of a roof vent on our home that is 3-4 years old. Our two-year warranty is over, so even though they installed it wrong, it is our problem to fix and not theirs.
Their team is also happy to rudely tell you to deal with it yourself even with clear pictures of proof! You don’t have to be alone. I know I’m not! I reached out to my neighbor’s via our neighborhood Facebook group to discover MANY with the EXACT SAME problem and no help for them either!”
Via Lennar Houston Facebook – Homeowner picture showing roof vent that is allegedly causing water intrusion into the home.