Stuart Miller – Executive Chairman – Former Lennar CEO | Page 3 | My Lennar Home

Stuart Miller – Lennar Executive Chairman

Stuart Miller is Lennar’s Executive Chairman and former Chief Executive Officer (CEO). These are the articles and communications that deal with Stuart Miller and the more than 80 construction defects in a new Lennar home. Lennar never made one of the promised repairs

The Lennar CEO’s email address is

stuart miller lennar ceo executive chairman construction problems

Stuart Miller is Lennar’s Executive Chairman and former CEO.

The issues involved in my new construction home built by Lennar include electrical issues, HVAC problems, mold exposure, structural defects, water intrusion/damage, metal corrosion and environmental concerns. These construction problems, in addition to dealing with the stress of it all for more than 4.5 years, have led to health issues. As well, other people get sick when staying at my Lennar home and exhibit similar symptoms.

The total estimated cost to repair all the Lennar construction defects is nearly $300,000, which includes extensive mold remediation throughout the new construction home. Although the builder acknowledged the construction issues, the senior executives I was working with eventually went silent and ignored all Lennar home warranty requests and repairs.


My life – and health – are nothing like they were before I closed on a new construction home built by Lennar.

If you have had similar experiences and issues with Lennar Homes or Lennar CEO Stuart Miller, please use the contact form to get in touch with me.